1,601 research outputs found

    Struggling alfalfa fields: Consider temporary forage options

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    An April freeze damaged spring alfalfa regrowth across the state. These stands were weakened and are recovering slowly. Late April rainfall has led to an abnormally high incidence of leaf and stem diseases in areas of southern and western Iowa. Growers are encouraged to review their forage inventories and needs and to take a close look at the stand density and health of taproots and crowns in their existing fields. If the taproots and crown tissue still appear normal, and stand densities are adequate, producers are encouraged to plan to harvest the remainder of the haying season

    Management Tips for Drought-stressed Forages

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    The Midwest has seen some of the most extreme drought conditions of recent memory. Some rain has come recently for most of this area, but not enough for most of us to feel comfortable. Pastures may still be in poor condition. Many hayfields are showing enough recovery to maybe yield at least one more cutting. Regionally, hay supplies are tight and prices are high. Forage management considerations are many. Here are some things to think about as you prioritize your options

    Late-summer seeding of forage crops

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    Late summer can be an excellent time to establish forage crops, provided there is sufficient moisture for germination and good seedling growth. It is also a good time to seed in bare or thin spots in forage stands established this spring. The following steps will improve the chances for successful forage stand establishment in late summer